Asem Asem Tempe Traditional Indonesian Recipe

Asem asem tempe is the other TRADITIONAL INDONESIAN RECPE, if the last we learn about GADO GADO THE TRADITIONAL INDONESIAN RECIPE and NASI KUNING THE TRADITIONAL INDONESIAN RECIPE, so lets do it, prepare this :


* 200 gram tempe-piece 2 x 2 cm
* 2 liter water
* 200 grams of meat cattle tetelan
* 2 tbs cooking oil
* 2 cm ginger - memarkan
* 1 sheet of bay
* 2 pieces red chilli, slit lengthwise two
* 2 green chili pieces, two pieces lengthwise
* 3 fruit vegetables star fruit, sliced crosswise 1 cm
* 2 tsp tamarind, squezee with 50 cc of water, filtered
* 2 tablespoon chopped onion leaves

Mashed the ingredients:

* 2 cloves garlic
* 5 pieces of onion
* 4 grains sangria candle
* 2 pieces of orange leaves
* 1 1 / 2 teaspoon paste fry
* 1 teaspoon brown sugar, curry
* 1 teaspoon salt

How to create:

1. Boil water, boiled meat to tenderize. Lift, spare the broth for 500 cc.
2. Heat oil, tumis fine flavor, and ginger until fragrant bay.
3. enter red chili and green chili, poke - poke to languish.
4. Enter Tempe, meat and broth to the Boil.
5. Add vegetables star fruit, water, tamarind leaves and red onion.
6. Cook until all ingredients well. Lift and serve hot.

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